Young people fighting for their right to a properly funded youth service

Our story so far...

September 2010
* After a great summer with the youth service our school gates reopened and we returned back to the classroom. 
* After school we looked forward to going back to our youth centres, but many of them remained closed
October 2010
* 13th Oct we took our concerns to the leader of the council Claire Kober at a Haringey Youth Council meeting.
* 16th Oct our campaign was launched
* 25th Oct all of the youth centres that were still open closed for October half term
* 25th Oct we started a petition
November 2010
* 10th Nov we submitted a freedom of information request where the council confirmed they closed 8 of the 13 youth centres in September 2010
* 18th Nov 200 of us met with the Cheif Executive of Haringey council at the word on the street event where we first ask for an impact assessment
* 24th Nov we give a speech to 150 residents at a public meeting about cuts
December 2010
* 1st Dec we met with Boris Johnson the Mayor of London to raise our concerns and he promises to investigate
* 4th Dec we appear on LBC radio
* 16th Dec we submitted our petition with 2236 signatures
* 20th Dec we met with Cllr Goldberg and Cllr Reith requesting a consultation on our views before the council decides on a cut. The council agrees to consult with us before they decide on a cut
January 2011
* 21st Jan we meet with Lynne Featherstone MP to express our concerns she agrees to support us
* 28th Jan  we meet with David Lammy MP to express our concerns he agrees to support us
* 28th Jan press inform public of councils proposals to cut youth services by 75%
* 28th Jan Cllr Reith informs press that they involved us in the decision and there is a plethoria of voluntary organisations to take what the youth service can no longer do because of the cut
* 31st Jan the council overview and scrutiny committee do not recommend the cut of 75%
February 2011
1st Feb youth workers are told by the council their jobs are deleted
* 2nd Feb the council meet with us to start consultations but only on the remaining 25%. We refuse to participate as this is not what we came to discuss
* 4th Feb the council email us stating we should cooperate with them on the 75% cut otherwise anymore money we get will be at the expense of disabled and abused children.
* 5th Feb the council meet us again but only for the 25% we refuse to enter discussions and ask for the 75% cut to be reviewed. We demand we are consulted about the cut and not what is left over after they decide the 75%
* 7th Feb we inform the Cheif Executive & Leader of Haringey council that they have broken the law by not consulting us under the Education & Inspections act 2006
* 8 Feb the Labour cabinet of Haringey council has agreed the 75% cut despite concerns from the overview & scrutiny committee and from us in regards to our legal rights
* 11th Feb youth workers start formal proceedings on their employment
* 12th Feb we submit another freedom of information request with 14 questions including asking for the impact assessment
* 15th Feb we hold a strategy meeting with HYC and UKYP
* 16th Feb the council agree to allowing us address full council
* 17th Feb we launch our youtube channel
* 23rd Feb we release our first video
* 24th Feb we address full council and give two speeches [see our videos section]
* 24th Feb Haringey politicians vote YES to cut the 75% of the youth service
* 28th Feb we write an open letter to David Lammy MP
March 2010
* 1st March David Lammy publically committs his support and states the 75% cut was unacceptable
* 2nd March David Lammy MP writes to Haringey council to ask for a review on the decision to cut the youth service by 75%
* 3rd March the council missed the deadline for our freedom of information request.
* 4th March online petition launched
* 6th March SHYS video Public Scrutiny launched
* 13th March SHYS chase David Lammy MP about his letter

Facts about Haringey
Youth Service

Over 4400 teenagers use Haringey youth service a year

In June 2010 the youth service had 13 youth centres and by Nov 2010 this was reduced to 5

The youth service has its own counselling team where we can get confidential help with bullying, domestic violence, sexual abuse

The youth service has its own magazine called exposure written by young people for young people

In a recent survey 100% of young people believed crime in Haringey would grow if youth centres closed

88% would not continue attending if their youth centre was moved into a church or school feeling it was important to at least have one place in society to call their own.

Youth services in Haringey provide help and advice on drugs, sexual health, crime and education. Young people stated in a survey that they prefer to get this advice from youth workers.

What the law says..

Under section 507b of the Education & Inspections Act 2006 the local authority must seek the views of young people about the access, needs and facilities for young people in the borough. The have claimed to the public they were consulting us. Both us and the Haringey Youth Council set the record straight on Feb 24th 2011 leading to the council to admit they had not.

Under the Race Relations Act 2000 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 the council have a legal duty to ensure that any decisions they make which change services must have undertaken an impact assessment. We have been asking for an impact assessment since Nov 2010. On Feb 24th the council stated that they will carry out the impact assessment after they cut the youth service!